Editorial Board

- Ethic for Editorial Board Member
The editor should evaluate each manuscript based on the contents, reliability, and usefulness of the research. The judgement of the manuscript by editor must be regardless of the race, religion, nationality, institutional affiliation of the authors, and others.


- Editorial Board Member :

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chanmoly OR


Research and Innovation Center

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: or.moly@itc.edu.kh


Dr. Sounean HENG

Executive Editor

Research and Innovation Center

Material Science and Structure Research Unit

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: heng_sounean@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Material for construction, Concrete structure.


Ms. Vinhteang KAING

Assistant Editor

Research and Innovation Center

Water and Environmental Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: vinhteang.kaing@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Environmental Engineering, Microplastics, Dissolve Organic Matter, Photochemistry, Integrated Lake/River Management, Climate Change


Asst. Prof. Dr. Peany HOUNG

Editorial Member

Research and Innovation Center

Food Technology and Nutrition Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: peanyhoung@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Extraction, Separation, Purification, Solubility of organic compounds, Solubility modelling, Process optimization, Formulation of cosmetic products, Essential oils, Bioactive compounds.


Dr. Sophea BOEUT

Editorial Member

Faculty of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: boeutsophea@ric.itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Rock Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-resources Engineering, Sustainable Resources Engineering.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khy Eam EANG

Editorial Member

Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: khyeam@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Environmental Geochemistry, Aqueous Geochemistry, Sustainable Resources Engineering, Geo-resources, and Geotechnical Engineering


Dr. Piseth DOUNG

Editorial Member

Research and Innovation Center

Material Science and Structure Research Unit

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: piseth@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Steel structures, Tall building systems, Earthquake engineering, Bridge engineering.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Ty SOK

Editorial Member

Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia

Email: sokty@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Sediment transport, Disaster management, Water resources, and Climate change.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanvorleak PHAT

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Food Technology and Nutrition Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: phatchanvorleak@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Food contaminant analysis, Chemical analysis, Food safety, Biochemistry, Nutrition.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanthol PENG

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Water and Environmental Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: peng@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Microbiology in foods, Water, and Crops.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Dona VALY

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Mechatronic and Informatic Technology Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: dona@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: AI, Computer vision, Natural language processing.


Dr. Kakda KRET

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Energy Technology and Management Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: kretkakda@itc.edu.kh / kkakda95@gmail.com

Research Interests: Remote sensing and GIS, Oil and gas exploration, geophysical exploration, Mineral deposits, Geotechnical, Structural geology, Smart agriculture, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Natural hazard mapping.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Phanny YOS

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Material Science and Structure Research Unit

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: phannyyos@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Polymer and Natural rubber technology.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Reasmey TAN

Editorial Member 

Research and Innovation Center

Food Technology and Nutrition Research Unit 

Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia 

Email: rtan@itc.edu.kh

Research Interests: Food biotechnology, Cooking oil development, Food pickling progress.


Dr. Thossaporn WIJAKMATEE

Editorial Member

Chemical Science and Engineering Department

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Email: wijakmatee.t.aa@m.titech.ac.jp

Research Interests: Chemical process design, Nanoparticles for biomedical application, Surface modification of nanoparticles, Microfluidic system.


Dr. Piseth HENG

Editorial Member

Research Engineer at INSA Rennes until end of February, then a Project Manager at CTICM, France.

Email: h.piseth168@gmail.com

Research Interests: Timber, Composite structures (timber-concrete, steel-concrete, timber-steel, steel-concrete), Steel/concrete/timber structures, Connection/joint, Dynamic analysis, Nonlinear analysis, Plastic analysis, Full-scale experiments, 3D simulation, Numerical formulation.


Dr. Pisey KEO

Editorial Member

Université de Rennes-INSA de RENNES, LGCGM/Structural Engineering Research Group, EA 3913, France.

Email: pisey.keo@insa-rennes.fr

Research Interests: Experimental tests and numerical modelling of steel, concrete, Timber and composite/hybrid steel-concrete, Steel-timber or Concrete-timber structures.


Dr. Sokvisal MOM

Editorial Member

Polytech Lille, Université de Lille, UMR 9013-LaMcube-Laboratoire de mécanique, multi-échelle, multipysique, CNRS, Lille, France.

Email: sokvisalmom@gmail.com

Research Interests: Multi-scale modeling, Cement-based materials, Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics. 


Dr. Yeakleang MUY

Editorial Member

University of Liege, Urban and Environment Engineering, Building Materials, Quartier Polytech1, Allée de la découverte 9, B-4000 Liège, Belgium. 

Email: muy_yeakleang@yahoo.com

Research Interests: Construction materials, waste valorization, 3D printing concrete, Recycled aggregates, Characterization, Durability. 


Dr. Yongjun WANG

Editorial Member

College of Safety Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China

Email: wangyongjun@lntu.edu.cn

Research Interests: Coal spontaneous combination, CCS/CCUS, Machine learning, Environmental engineering, Mine ventilation, Mining engineering, Mine disaster monitoring and early warning, Safety engineering


Dr. Chanmaly CHHUN

Editorial Member

Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan

Email: chanmaly_chhun91@mine.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Research Interests: Energy transition geophysics, Geo-resources exploration, Carbon sequestration, Rock physics, Subsurface structure, Machine learning.


Prof Dr. Azura A RASHID

Editorial Member

School of materials and mineral resources engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penanag, Malaysia. 

Email: srazura@usm.my

Research Interests: Elastomeric processing, Latex processing, Natural composite, Biodegradation of rubber, Natural and Bio fillers materials. 


Prof. Yann CHARLES

Editorial Member

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, LSPM-CNRS Lab, France. 

Email: yann.charles@univ-paris13.fr

Research Interests:  Finite Element Modelling, Environment-Material interaction, Metal, Plasticity.


Prof Dr. Pierre LECLERCQ

Editorial Member

LUCID, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Liege, Belgium.

Email: pierre.leclercq@uliege.be

Research Interests: Architect and Design engineering.



Editorial Member

Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

Email: Orathai.b@chula.ac.th 

Research Interests: Oil/water selective materials, Antibacterial Latex films, Utilization of latex waste/Rubber reclamation/Recycling of waste rubber, Rubber latex foam, Textile dyeing and treatment.  


Asst. Prof. Dr. Kensho HIRAO

Editorial Member

Yokohama National University, 240-8501 79-5 Tokiwadai Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan

Email: hirao-kensho-sd@ynu.ac.jp

Research Interests: Structural Engineering, Non-Destructive Inspection, Machine Learning, Data Science, Bolted Joints