Guidelines for Author


Submission Checklist

  1. Read the aims and scope of Techno-SRJ to overview if your manuscript is suitable for the journal
  2. Use the Microsoft Word Template to prepare your manuscript and numbering row
  3. Check issues regarding publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, plagiarism, authorship, figure formats, data tables, and reference format, to make sure your manuscript is appropriately presented
  4. Ensure that all authors have approved the contents of the submitted manuscript, to avoid a conflict of interest among the authorship
  5. Authors are encouraged to submit a cover letter indicating the brief of the submitted manuscript
  6. Ensure that the manuscript submitted to Techno-SRJ should neither published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal
  7. Manuscripts should be a minimum of 7 pages, with at least 15 references cited.
  8. Manuscript format can be found in this link:

Type of Publications

  • Manuscript about case study-based: The manuscript should report clear survey design and analysis data in which the outputs are useful and/or related to technical, engineering, and science fields
  • Manuscript about experiments-based: The manuscript should report scientific experiments and provide a substantial amount of information, results, and discussion, with enough references and recent references
  • Manuscript about modeling-based: The manuscript should report clearly on the methodology framework, equation, and modeling platform/tool. The manuscript should also provide a substantial amount of information, results, and discussion, with enough references and recent references

Submission Process

The manuscript for Techno-SRJ should be submitted online at Corresponding author should be the submitting author who is responsible for the manuscript from the submission stage, during the peer-review process, and until the manuscript is accepted for publication. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list, they have all read and approved the submitted manuscript.

To submit your manuscript, you need :

  • Register and log in to the Techno-SRJ online website or platform.
  • Once you have registered to create the account, you can access the submission form for the Techno-SRJ. All co-authors could see the manuscript details in the submission system if they also registered and log in using the email address provided during the manuscript submission.
  • The manuscript should be submitted in a Word file without adding affiliation or the name of the corresponding author.

Accepted File Formats

Authors are encouraged to use the Microsoft Word Template to prepare the manuscript. The manuscript prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission, meaning insert all graphs (e.g schemes, figures, etc.) and tables in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation. Using the template provided will shorten the time to complete the publication of the accepted manuscript.

Cover Letter

A cover letter is encouraged to be included when submitting each manuscript to the Techno-SRJ. The cover letter should be concise and briefly explain the significance of the manuscripts or/and findings. It also explains why your manuscript should be accepted for publication in the Techno-SRJ. Also, the cover letter is required to include the following statements:

  • Confirm that neither the manuscript nor any parts of its contents are currently under consideration or published in another journal
  • All authors have approved the manuscript and agreed with its submission to the Techno-SRJ

General Considerations

Manuscripts should comprise of

Front matter: Title, Author list, Affiliation, Contact of the corresponding author, Abstract, Graphical Abstract (if available), and Keywords

Manuscript section: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion

Back matter: Supplementary materials (if available), Acknowledgement (if available), Author Contributions (if available), Conflict of Interest (if available), References

Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract is an image summarizing the contents and findings of the manuscript. However, the graphical abstract should not be exactly the same as any other figures in the manuscript. It should be noted that the graphical abstract must be original and unpublished artwork. It should not include any postage stamps, currency from any country, and trademarked items.

Acronyms/Abbreviations/Initialisms: These should be defined the first time they appear in each section of the manuscript (e.g in the abstract, in the introduction, in methodology, etc.). The acronyms/abbreviations/initialisms should be added in parentheses after the written-out form at the beginning.

SI Units: International unit system (SI unit) should be used. Imperial or/and US and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible.

Equations: Any equations should be either written in Microsoft Equation Editor or the Math Type add-on. Equations should be editable by the editorials office and not appear in a picture format.

Research Data and Supplementary Materials: Note that the publication of your manuscript must include materials, data, and protocol associated with the publication to be available for readers.

(1) Front Matter:

The following sections should appear in all manuscript types:

  • Title: The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific, and relevant to the contents. The title should be composed of a maximum of 15 words and not include abbreviations or short forms.
  • Author List and Affiliations: Full names of authors should be written in the following order: First Name (Given name) and Surname (Family name). The initials of any middle names can be added. The affiliation of authors should be composed of complete address information of belonging organization, including city, zip code, state/province, and country. At least one author should be designed as the corresponding author, and their email address and other details must be included at the end of the first front page.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be a total of 200 words minimum and 250 words maximum. The abstract should be a single paragraph and should follow the style of structured abstracts, but without headings: (1) Background: give information in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study and uniqueness; (2) Methods: Describe briefly the main methods or treatment/samples applied in the study; (3) Results: Summarize the main findings in the study, and (4) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusion or interpretations of the study and usefulness of the findings. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article and it must not contain any results which are not presented in the main text and should not contradict the main conclusion.
  • Keywords: Each manuscript should be composed of 3 keywords at a minimum and 6 keywords at a maximum. The keywords should be added after the abstract. The keywords should be specific to the article and reasonable within the subject discipline.

(2) Research Manuscript Sections:

  • Introduction: The introduction should be written in a broad context and highlight why your study is important. It should define the purpose of the study and its significance, including specific hypotheses and supporting information from any scientific and/or technical literature. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and cited. The introduction should be comprehensive and also mention the aim of the work and highlight the main conclusion expected from the research findings.
  • Methodology: This section describes what has been used in the study and how did you process each experiment. It should be described with sufficient detail about the method and protocol and provided appropriate citations. In case there is any program and/or software used, the name and version of the software and/or program should be written clearly.
  • Results and Discussion: This section provides a concise and precise description of the results and interpretation of the results within the working hypothesis, theory, and perspective of previous studies. The findings of the study should be discussed in the broadest context possible, however, the limitations of the work should be highlighted as well. Suggestions on future research directions can be also mentioned in this section.
  • Conclusion: This section is the summary of research findings and concludes the significant points obtained from the research study, modeling, etc.
  • Patents: This section is not mandatory but can be added to the manuscript if there are any patents resulting from the work reported in the manuscript.

(3) Back matter:

  • Supplementary Materials: This section is not mandatory but if you have supplementary materials, please describe any supplementary material published online alongside the manuscript. Those supporting materials can be figures, tables, and videos, given in the spreadsheet. It is suggested to indicate the name and title of each element in Figure 1, Table 1, etc.
  • Funding: All sources of funding supporting the study should be disclosed. Funding indicates grants that you have received for supporting the research or study.
  • Acknowledgments: This section indicates acknowledgment of any support given which is not covered by the author contribution or funding section. Administrative and technical support and donation of raw materials used for the experiments can be included in the acknowledgment. If the source of funding is not much, you can include the funding in the acknowledgment section.
  • Author contribution: The author's contribution may be asked during the submission of the manuscript. This section indicates how each author contributed to the work. The following statement can be used to describe the author's contribution: Conceptualization, X.X, and Y.Y; Methodology, X.X; Data analysis, X.X, and Y.Y; Experimental, X.X, Y.Y, and Z.Z; Supervision, X.X; Writing, Reviewing, Editing, X.X., and Y.Y, etc.
  • Conflict of interest: The statement of conflict of interest may be asked to complete during the submission process. A conflict of interest statement declares any personal circumstances or interest that may influence the interpretation of reported results. It is recommended to state that all authors declare no conflict of interest if there is no conflict of interest.
  • References: References must be numbered in the order it appears in the text, including table captions and figure legends. It is recommended to prepare the references with a bibliography software package such as EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero, to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. It should be noted that the citation of reference in the text of the manuscript must be a complement to the references listed in the supplementary section. In the text, reference numbers must be placed in square brackets, for example [1], [1,2], [3-5], etc. In the reference list, the reference must follow the following rule:

Journal article:

  1. Author 1, Author 2, etc. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Name, Year, Volume, Page range, URL

Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Author 1, Author 2, (list all authors). Book Title, 1st ed.; Publisher, Publisher Location, Country, Year; pp. 100-110.
  2. Author 1, Author 2, (list all authors). Title of the chapter. In Book Title, 2nd ed.; Editor 1, Editor 2, (list all authors). Eds.; Publisher, Publisher Location, Country, Year; Volume, pp. 150-160.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Author 1, Author 2, (list all authors). Title of presentation. Proceedings of the name of the conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of the conference; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds. (if available); Publisher: City, Country, Year (if available); Abstract number (if available)


  1. Author 1. Title of thesis. Level of the thesis, Degree-granting university, Location of university, Date of completion.


  1. Title of site. Available online: URL (accessed on day, month, year)

Preparation of Figures, Schemes, and Tables

  • Figures and schemes should be clear enough and included in the manuscript during the submission. Preparation of all figures and schemes in color is strongly encouraged. The resolution of the figures and schemes can be a minimum of 1000 pixels or 300 dpi. TIFF, JPEG, and EPS are suggested to use in the preparation of the figures and schemes.
  • Tables included in the manuscript must be editable and follow the size and format given in the Techno-SRJ template. The author can use the table option from Microsoft Word to create the table. Explanatory headings should exist in all table columns. Smaller font can be used if the description is long but no smaller than 8 pt. in size.
  • All figures, schemes, and tables should be inserted into the main text in the manuscript close to their first citation and must be numbered in the order, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, and so on. The figures, schemes, and tables must have a short explanatory title and caption.

Citation Policy

Authors should ensure that citation in the text of the manuscript is extracted from original source or/and reference. The author cannot cite any unpublished sources or advertisements, for example, we cannot say that according to my experience (X.X, done in 2010) without any published reference in a conference, journal, etc.

Reviewer Suggestions

  • During the submission process, authors should suggest at least 2 potential reviewers who have expertise relevant to your study, to review your submitted manuscript.
  • The author must provide detailed contact information of each referee (email address, phone number if available, department and university name they belong to).
  • The suggested reviewers should not be any of the co-authors in the manuscript and should be from different institutions or organizations.
  • It is possible to suggest reviewers from among the authors you cited in your manuscript the most.

English Corrections

Before submission, the manuscript should be subjected to peer-reviewing of English wording and grammar. Manuscripts with poor English written will be returned to authors during the editing process. You can use an agency for the paid language-editing service or/and English native people to help with the language editing of your manuscript.

Editorial Procedures and Peer-Review

  • Initial Check: The manuscript submitted will be received by Editorial Office and checked by Managing Editor to evaluate whether the manuscript follows Techno-SRJ policies such as scope, format, English writing quality, and contents. It should be noted that any manuscripts that do not fit the journal policy/guideline will be rejected before the peer-review process. Manuscripts that are not properly prepared will be returned to the authors for revision and resubmission. Reject decisions at the initial check stage will be verified by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Peer-Review: It is the step where the manuscript passed the initial checks and was assigned to peer review (at least two independent experts). The author’s information in the manuscript will be blinded before sending it for peer-review. Peer review information and comments are confidential and will be disclosed only with the express agreement of the reviewer. The timeframe for each round of peer review is one month. Potential reviewers suggested by the authors may be considered, however, the reviewers should not be co-authors in the manuscript and should not have published any papers with you within the past three years.
  • Editorial Decision and Revision: All papers published in Techno-SRJ go through peer review with comments from at least two reviewers. Communication between Editor-in-Charge and in-house Editor will be done to decide on one of the following:
    • Accept: The manuscript is accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Authors have 1 week to complete the minor revisions. A Certificate of Acceptance will be issued to certify that the manuscript has been accepted for publication in the journal, and this certificate can be used for official purposes.
    • Revision: In this case, authors need to provide detailed responses point by point to the reviewer’s comments because the accepted manuscript will depend on the authors' revised contents. Authors will be requested to resubmit the revised manuscript within the assigned timeframe. The revised version will be returned to the assigned reviewers for further review and comments on the manuscript. The process is a maximum of three rounds for the major revision manuscript.
    • Reject: The manuscript will be rejected if there is no original significant contribution and poor writing. Resubmission of this kind of manuscript will not be offered.
  • Author Appeals: Authors can appeal a rejection by sending an email to the Editorial Office of the Techno-SRJ. However, authors must provide justification for the comments of reviewers and editors. The appeal can be submitted in any format if the authors do not agree with the decision status of “Reject”. The appeal letter should be made within 3 months after the decision date. Failure to meet the criteria of appeal will not be considered further. The Managing Editor will discuss with the Editor or the advisory recommendation on the manuscript and may recommend acceptance, and further peer-review. However, a rejected decision at this stage is the final and cannot be revised.
  • Production and Publication: The manuscript will undergo professional copy-editing, English editing, proofreading by authors, final correction, and pagination when it is accepted to be published in the Techno-SRJ.