The 12th Scientific Day : Engineering Technology and Innovation Toward the Development of Digital Economy and Society
    1. ITC

Academic Editor:

Received: December 11,2023 / Revised: December 11,2023 / December 13,2023 / / Accepted: December 13,2023 / Available online: December 30,2023

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The 12th Scientific Day was organized under the theme of " Engineering Technology and Innovation Toward the Development of Digital Economy and Society" at ITC as an onsite event, on 8-9 June 2023 with the general objective to bring together the policymakers, academics, and research institutions, and private sectors from local, regional and international networks to share/discuss the recent developments, new ideas and breakthroughs in engineering technology and innovation in order to achieve the development of digital economy and society. This event was organized by the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) with the cooperation and support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), France Embassy in Cambodia, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Francophone University Agency (AUF). The event was supported by other various research institutions, and private sectors especially were financially supported by CAPFish-UNIDO-EU, TEM Trading
(M&E Product) Co., Ltd., VOLTRA CO., LTD., SNP-PT International Co., Ltd, Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation, DENSO (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI), CAST LABORATORIES (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD, ADVANCED TECHNICAL SUPPLIES Co., Ltd., PRASAC Microfinance Institution Plc, Kampot Cement Co.,Ltd, SNAPKYU, The French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), Smile Shop Super App for supporting the event organization and publishing the Proceedings. The first day of the 2-day event consisted of a welcome remarks and opening remarks from partners and was officially opened by H.E Dr. OM Romny, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Cambodia. The afternoon session was followed by oral presentations from 91 presenters in 8 technical parallel sessions. On the second day of the event, there were 47 posters were shown in poster exhibitions and evaluations. Furthermore, there were booths exhibitions from various faculties and private sectors, booths and lab visits by teachers and high school students, university students, and the public during the 2-days event.