Pedestrian safety, especially for schoolchildren, constitutes a world concern. For the condition of peak hour, we observed that there are many urgent problems of conflicting between traffic flow on the road and the pedestrian crossing but it varied through two underlying factors, road type which refer to traffic volume and pedestrian (students) volume crossing the road. Traffic conflict would be the best feature of measuring the potential of the
Water taxi (WT) transport has been considered as an alternative solution to help reduce urban traffic congestion in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This transportation is an alternative mode of travel that can save both time and money. Water taxi service was launched in April 2018 as an alternative public transport mode that allows users to save both time and cost. WT was suspended in March 2020 due to the spread of Covid-19 pandemic and was reopened in No
Walkability is a measure that assesses the extent to which roadways are conducive to pedestrian walking. Walking, being an eco-friendly means of transportation, has many advantages including minimized adverse environmental effects, enhanced individual autonomy, and improved physical well-being. The aim of this research is to calculate an enhanced Walkability Index by considering nine variables. Additionally, it aims to assess the significance and
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value has been widely used to evaluate pavement foundation characteristics. To minimize the effect of human errors, cost, and time for selecting soil subgrade soil for roads, the CBR value can be developed using regression techniques by performing numerous CBR and physical tests considering different soil types. The main objective of this study was to examine the correlation of CBR value with soil properties of road
Traffic congestion is one of the most serious problems facing by not only the developed countries, but also by developing countries, including Cambodia. Efforts have been made to minimize urban traffic congestion in order to improve the traffic flow. This paper intends to provide the best alternative solutions to improve traffic flow at a busy intersection in Phnom Penh, Cambodia—i.e., Neakvoan intersection. Three alternative solutions were propo
Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is a portable device, an equipment that measures the vertical deformation imparted by a falling mass impacting a plate resting on the ground. It serves to determine the bearing capacity of compacted soil, sub-base and base course of structural pavement layers at the precise construction site. For Cambodian practices, field compaction quality and bearing capacity of the structural pavement layers evaluated by using
Traffic congestion and traffic accident have been a serious and significant problem in Phnom Penh city because the population has increased every year. An insufficient traffic signal, non-standard geometry, driver behavior, and lack of traffic discipline are the main factors that affect traffic flow. Kdan Pir is a very important intersection that has connected between Khan 7 Makara and Khan Toul Kork. Many people are crossing this intersection. T
Traffic congestion has become a serious problem in many Asian developing cities; there is no exception for Phnom Penh. As urban areas continue to expand, more roads and intersections are built to accommodate the increasing traffic. The poor design of an intersection and traffic signal could be the roots of interrupting traffic flow and creating traffic conflicting areas which increasing traffic congestions in the city. In particular, one of the w
The growing popularity of transport services via ride-hailing apps (RHAs) has posed major debates for transport researchers and planners in many cities worldwide. In Asia, there remains limited information and data about the characteristics of RHA users. This paper investigated the factors affecting users’ utilization rate of RHA services. Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit Model (ZIOPM) was applied with data collected from 1,108 citizens (87.5% aged 1