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Time series forecasting is a well-established research domain, particularly in finance and econometrics, with a multitude of methods and algorithms proposed to achieve accurate future trend predictions. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of two popular models, ARIMA and LSTM, for predicting trends in gold prices in finance and econometrics. Monthly global gold prices from January 2010 to December 2022 are analyzed, with a training set f

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value has been widely used to evaluate pavement foundation characteristics. To minimize the effect of human errors, cost, and time for selecting soil subgrade soil for roads, the CBR value can be developed using regression techniques by performing numerous CBR and physical tests considering different soil types. The main objective of this study was to examine the correlation of CBR value with soil properties of road

Non-intrusive load monitoring systems (NILM) have attracted much attention due to their potential contribution to energy savings for individual households. The approach analyzes the load consumption of each device in terms of the total energy consumption of the house. The selection of essential load signatures for load identification expresses a crucial challenge with NILM techniques. Several studies that have been proposed in the literature clai

The study aims to predict the cereals prices trade flows in Cambodia, considering anticipated price fluctuations by using the ARIMA model. The data on cereals price of Cambodia was deseasonalized by the seasonality index (SI) for seasonality, resulting in monthly prices from 2000 to 2021. The target variable was independently smoothed by single exponential smoothing (SES) and Holt-Winters exponential smoothing (HWES) before transforming to the Bo

A Gimbal is a type of instrument used for 3D space orientation control. Over the past decade of research on 3-axis tracking gimbal, many research have been contributing to design and control of the system improving the accuracy and quality of the design.This research aims to develop a control framework for the system making it more user-friendly and more convenient for nondevelopers to use the final product. More specifically, this research focus

The 12th Scientific Day was organized under the theme of " Engineering Technology and Innovation Toward the Development of Digital Economy and Society" at ITC as an onsite event, on 8-9 June 2023 with the general objective to bring together the policymakers, academics, and research institutions, and private sectors from local, regional and international networks to share/discuss the recent developments, new ideas and breakthroughs in engineering

Cambodia is at an early stage of development, with 21% of people presently living in cities. Phnom Penh, the capital and largest city of Cambodia, is under urbanization pressure with a population of 2.1 million and the annual growth rate of 3.2% in 2019. In this regard, aging infrastructure needs an upgrade or replacement with a new design considering a percentage, as high as possible, of permeable surfaces in urban areas. Low Impact Development

Okara is an agro-waste yielded after liquid extraction of tofu and soymilk production. It contains protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals making it a potential nutritious ingredient for foods. However, several million tonnes of okara are made and discharged annually after tofu and soymilk processing, leading to environmental and economic impacts. In addition, rice is also considered a stable cereal in the Cambodian diet, so rice flour is mix

Crop diseases, unfavorable growth, and nutritional deficiencies have a significant impact on the quality and quantity of agricultural income. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, it is estimated that pre- and post-harvest diseases alone destroy at least 20–40% of global agricultural production. In developing countries like Cambodia, farmers tend to have a limited understanding of crop diseases and how to treat them,

In the chain of the healthcare domain even in the public or private sector of a developing country, there is still much concern about information sharing, security, and privacy, especially for identity management. In Cambodia, currently, the centralized framework for identity management is mostly used, which highly depends on a single trust third-party Certificate Authority (CA) such as the General Department of ICT (GDICT) at the Ministry of Pos

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